Saturday, October 25, 2014

The Absolute Best Way To Approach A Woman - The Eye Contact Test
The Absolute Best Way To Approach A Woman - The Eye Contact Test
How do you know if a woman is open to your approach? This is the dilemma of every single man on earth and probably also the biggest phobia that has cursed man since eve bit into that stupid apple. Manly men claim they'd rather go to combat than face the possible rejection of a woman. So what is it about approaching a woman and rejection that makes grown men weep and piss their pants? Also, what IS the best way to approach a woman?

The reason approaching a woman is so scary is because of the extreme amount of uncertainty involved. When you see an attractive woman and thinking about talking to her, what runs through your nervous little head?

Does she have a boyfriend?
Will she find me attractive?
Maybe she's too busy to meet anyone.
Will she be receptive to me talking to her?
What if she thinks I'm ugly / fat / geeky / short / old / dumb / desperate / creepy?

Uncertainty: The enemy of the game

I'm sure you can think of a 100 more things that run through your mind when you see an approach opportunity come your way. If you get scared or nervous when this happens, it's because of one thing: UNCERTAINTY.

You don't know how the girl you want to approach is going to respond! So you're scared because the outcome might be negative and you get the dreaded REJECTION!

Well, worry about this no more, because there is a technique you can use so you'll never have to worry about a negative reaction again. This million dollar technique that you will learn for free here is:

The power of eye contact

We all know that eye contact is important, but something funny happens when we make eye contact with another person. We become COMPELLED to respond to them in some fashion.

Unbelievable? Try this little test: Go up to a complete stranger (a man) make strong eye contact and extend your hand for a handshake. Unless the stranger is a psycho, he WILL shake your hand. This is the power of eye contact. You can essentially compel someone to do what you want by initiating and establishing eye contact.

When it comes to women, you can use this same eye contact to find out if she's open to meeting you. In fact, you can make it so that the woman become compelled to OPEN YOU!

The Eye Contact Test

when you see a woman you want to meet, LOCK your eyes on her! Seriously, just stare at her eyes, even if she's not looking at you.

When people are out and about, they will usually look around to keep aware of their surroundings. This is an unconscious thing we all do. Eventually, the woman you're locking onto will feel your eyes on her and look around and scan the area.

When her scan comes to you, her eyes will inevitably meet yours, and you'll be locked in eye contact. When that happens, simply SMILE at her. If she smiles back, guess what? She's OPEN TO YOU APPROACHING HER.

If she does smile back, say "Hi!" And if she responds, it's game set !

Go right into your opener, build rapport, make an emotional connection, display high value, make her laugh, neg her, etc.. All the usual PUA stuff.

Made especially for low key situations!

This technique works especially well in low-key situations like grocery stores, coffee shops, book stores, etc. where you might feel like a creep trying to hit on a woman. And the best part is, after you give her a winning smile, the girl herself will say "Hi!" and initiate contact and open you.

This is one of the best ways to approach women and has not failed me yet! So the next time you're out, try this on every attractive woman (and some men, just to see how well it works) you see. Just Lock your eyes onto them like a laser beam and see what happens. I guarantee you, you'll be pleasantly surprised by the results. Just make sure you don't stare and drool like a creep though!

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